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  1. Accessibility Plan 2023-24
  2. Accident and Incident Reporting and Investigation Procedure 2023-26
  3. Admissions Secondary 2023
  4. Allegations of Abuse Against Staff and Volunteers 2023-25
  5. Allergy Policy and Other Dietary Requirements
  6. Anti Bullying Policy 2024
  7. Attendance Policy 2024
  8. Behaviour Policy 2023-24
  9. Behaviour Principles 2023-24
  10. Biometric Data Policy 2023-27
  11. British Values 2024
  12. Careers Policy 2021-24
  13. Charging and Remission Policy 2023-25
  14. Code of Conduct for Parents and Carers 2023-24
  15. Code of Conduct for Staff Policy
  16. Complaints Procedure 2023-25
  17. Data Protection Policy 2023-24
  18. Data Retention Policy 2023-25
  19. Educational Visits Policy FLT 2023-24
  20. Equality Policy 2023-24
  21. Exams Policy
  22. Freedom of Information Policy 2023-25
  23. Health and Safety Policy Statement 2023-25
  24. Literacy Policy 2023-24
  25. Mental Health (Pupils) Policy 2023
  26. Mobile Phone Policy 2023-24
  27. Privacy Notice for applicants FLT
  28. Provision Map Tiered 2023-24
  29. Pupil Premium Report 2023-24
  30. Pupils With Health Needs Who Cannot Attend School Policy 2023
  31. Reading Strategy 2023-24
  32. Relationships and Sex Education Policy
  33. Remote Learning Policy 2024
  34. Safeguarding Policy 2023-24
  35. Safer Recruitment Policy 2023-24
  36. SEND Information Report 2023-24
  37. SEND Policy 2023-25
  38. SEND Report to Governors 2022-23
  39. Sharing Your Concerns and Raising a Complaint the Parent Guide 2023-25
  40. Social Media Policy 2023-25
  41. Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development Policy 2024
  42. Supporting Students with Medical Conditions 2024
  43. Suspension and Exclusions Policy
  44. Teaching and Learning Strategy 2023
  45. Toileting and Personal Care Guidance 2023-25
  46. Uniform Policy 2023-24
  47. Whistleblowing Policy and Procedure 2023-25
  48. Young Carers Policy 2023-25