White shirt - This is a mandatory item, which must be worn throughout the year. This item does not have to be branded and can be purchased from a range of retailers and can also be purchased second hand if sourced by a parent/carer.
FCC Tie - This is a mandatory item, which must be worn throughout the year. This item does not have to be branded and can be purchased from a range of retailers and can also be purchased second hand, if sourced by a parent/carer.
Navy Blazer bearing the FCC crest - This is a mandatory item. However, if it is more financially viable, an unbranded navy blue blazer can be worn and can be purchased from a range of retailers and can also be purchased second hand, if sourced by the parent/carer. The FCC crest should be purchased separately and affixed securely.
Navy tailored trousers or navy knee-length pleated skirt - This is a mandatory item, which must be worn throughout the year. This item does not have to be branded and can be purchased from a range of retailers and can also be purchased second hand if sourced by a parent/carer.
Navy V-neck jumper bearing the FCC crest - It is advised that this item is branded. However, if it is more financially viable for parents/carers, then an unbranded navy blue v-neck jumper can be worn and can be purchased from a range of retailers and can also be purchased second hand, if sourced by the parent/carer. This item does not have to be worn throughout the year but can be selected at the student's discretion. It is important to note that the jumper is not a substitute for the blazer. The FCC crest should be purchased separately and affixed securely.
Plain black footwear (trainers are allowed, but the soles have to be black) - This is a mandatory item, which must be worn throughout the year. This item does not have to be branded and can be purchased from a range of retailers and can also be purchased second hand if sourced by a parent/carer.
School bag - This is a mandatory item, which must be brought into school throughout the year. This item does not have to be branded and can be purchased from a range of retailers and can also be purchased second hand if sourced by a parent/carer). A plain dark bag is encouraged. It is forbidden for students to carry bags with offensive materials/messaging on them.
Banned items (below) - please note this is not an exhaustive list
No jewellery (A stud in each lobe is permitted)
No hoodies
No leggings
School Uniform Policy 2023-24
Lost Property
Please ensure that all items of uniform are clearly labelled - we are only able to return those items which are named.
Second-Hand Uniform
We hold a stock of good quality second-hand uniform, available to all students. A small donation for these items is welcomed. If you have uniform that you no longer require, please drop it in at our reception.
You are able to purchase our school uniform from PMG Schoolwear Faringdon.