The governing body is a group of people from different backgrounds, with the common interest of seeing Faringdon Community College remaining a vibrant, well led, and recognised centre of learning excellence for the community, which ensures all pupils and staff can thrive and develop the ability and resilience to successfully address life's challenges.
As you’ll see from our bios below, we are a mix of parents and ex-parents of FCC students and members of the local community, so all have a vested interest in ensuring that we deliver the best experience for our children, both in the classroom, and through the extra-curricular opportunities we can offer.
It is only through engagement with, and support from, parents and other interested parties that we will be able to meet our own, and your, aspirations for our community's school. To contact the Clerk to Governors, please do so via email.
The structure and remit of the members, Trustees, and their committees, including the LGBs, is available on the Trust website.
Paul Ray (Trust Appointed Chair of Governors)
Link Roles: Business Studies/ Economics link governor, Finance Governor and sits on the pay committee
Term of office: 4 years
Appointed-end date: 06-2-2019 – 21-07-2027
Paul joined the FCC governing body in February 2019. He is a Community Governor and Chair of the Local Governing Committee. He works in procurement and has previously managed a small business, giving useful experience in areas including strategy, recruitment and financial planning. Paul has two sons at FCC.
Jane Braddy (Trust appointed Co-Vice Chair)
Link Roles: English Link Governor, Safeguarding Governor
Term of office: 4 years
Appointed-end date: 29-11-2021 – 28-11-2025
Jane Braddy started as a Community Governor at FCC in 2017. She had been volunteering as a governor at a local primary school for six years prior to taking on the role at FCC. She has sons who are currently attending the college.
Jane works as a GP, at the local White Horse Surgery, three days a week. She has a special interest in the health of women of all ages and has also held several extended roles. In the past, Jane worked in Mental Health and Paediatrics.
As well as her various roles as a governor, Jane also attends the school each week with her PAT (Pets as Therapy) dog, Lego. Lego works with FCC students to help promote positive mental and emotional wellbeing.
Jane Hulse (Co Vice-Chair and Parent Governor)
Link Roles: Child Development Link Governor, Special Educational Needs & Pupil Premium
Term of office: 4 years
Appointed-end date: 13-07-2022 – 12-07-2026
Jane Hulse joined the governing body in September 2022. She is a GP living in Faringdon and has two sons at FCC. Jane has a background of military service and understands the issues that may affect military children. She has a long history of working with children through volunteering at her sons' primary school and extensive involvement in scouting. She is focused on all young people getting the best experience of childhood and education.
James Barnes (Parent Governor)
Link Roles: Information Technology Link Governor, Admissions Governor
Term of office: 4 years
Appointed-end date: 13-07-2022 – 13-07-2026
Sarah Church (Trust appointed)
Link Role: Quality of Education and Careers
Term of office: 4 years
Appointed-end date: 04/03/2025 – 03/03/2029
Gillian Day (Trust appointed)
Link Role: Attendance, Behaviour and Culture
Term of office: 4 years
Appointed-end date: 13/05/2024 – 12/05/2028
Samantha Fountain (Trust appointed)
Link Role: Governor Training and Development
Term of office: 4 years
Appointed-end date: 03/01/2025 – 02/01/2025
Samantha Gould (Parent Governor)
Link Role: Art Link Governor
Term of office: 4 years
Appointed-end date: 12-10-2022 – 11-10-2026
Cheryl Lingard (Trust appointed)
Link Role: Site and Health and Safety
Term of office: 4 years
Appointed-end date: 21/01/2025 – 20/01/2029
Kathleen Thomas (Staff Governor)
Link Role: Pupil and Staff Wellbeing, Website Governor
Term of office: 4 years
Appointed-end date: 10-01-2023 - 09-01-2027
Governor Interests Declaration
- Declarations of Interest 2024-25
- Declarations of Interest 2022-23
- Declarations of Interest and terms of office 2021-22